

The documentation provided with the restoration project is fairly extensive. We will verify the part numbers, casting dates and date codes of all major components as the disassembly progresses. This information will tell you whether the car has the original authentic equipment that was installed during the original assembly. This information greatly affects the values of collector cars and should be saved for future reference. 

Extensive digital photos will also be taken before, during and after of all components, body and chassis. These will be provided to you at completion in electronic format. We will also post the restoration photos on a web site that will allow you to see the progress as it occurs. 

A complete listing of all labor, parts, sublet work and any other expense incurred and charged to the project along with their supporting documents will be assemble for your records. 

All in all, the package you receive from us will tell the restorations story and provide you with the records to prove the scope of the work that was completed.

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